Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fun with Star Wars

I’ve been a bad blogger, I know.  But this less than ideal summer is over and I’m recharged and ready to create again.  A few projects are underway and several more are swirling around my brain.  The most important task, however, was my nephew’s birthday gift.

He saw the princesses I made for his sister and I asked him if would like superhero or Mario brothers figures, or if he was too old for that.  He considered the matter for a few moments and very solemnly answered, “I think I would like some Star Wars figures.”  I have a feeling that boy will always be able to melt my heart.

I spent a few days searching websites for images of Star Wars figures.  Narrowing the selection just to a handful of characters was very difficult.  I stuck with the main characters this time, but see myself creating another set for Christmas.  That set will have lots of fun characters – Jabba the Hutt painted on a block of wood, the Cantina band, ewoks, Jar Jar Binks, Watto . . . and I need to try Yoda again.

First, I sketched the characters on the wooden figures.  I knew I wanted to make R2 D2 and originally planned on lopping the head off a wooden doll.  Given my propensity for self-inflicted wounds, however, that idea was less than appealing.  Fortunately, the crafting gods were smiling down on me and I found little wooden knobs not far from the wooden doll figures.  Perfect.
After a few hours, the figures started coming together.
Can you spot the difference between the two images?
My nephew likes Anakin Skywalker and I started by creating one figure for Anakin and one for Darth Vader.  Then I did some thinking and decided to make a two-sided figure.  My nephew’s response when he saw it was, “Oh my gosh, that is so cool!” 
The hand cramps from painting all those tiny details, the paint spilled on the rug (told you I was a klutz), the late nights to get the project done – all worth it!